
BloomHouse provided a prompt and gave the community a voice to reflect on our collective experiences during the past year of shutdown. Throughout the weekend the installation transformed through creative expression representative of the lasting and impactful memories, knowledge, and transformations that emerged across the past 18 months.

  • This piece was created for Seattle Design Festival and transformed over the weekend through viewer participation.

  • As the form physically expanded and grew the colors followed suite changing from b&W to mirror to dichroic.

  • Upon visiting the installation a wood sign with a QR code prompted reflection over the past year in the form of a survey. Over 300 surveys were filled out and the content was painted or etched into the walls of the piece.

Created while at Acrylicize w/ Intention Space


Concept, Design, Build, and Branding Created while at Acrylicize


Seattle Design Festival

Over the weekend we invite visitors to color the walls and bring life to the installation. Throughout the weekend, with each visitor's contribution, the piece blossomed into a colorful, diverse, and visually rich narrative full of energy, and personality. Using the participant-generated patchwork of coloring, the piece evolved through the weekend creating hidden visual details and washing visitors in colorful light. After the weekend the piece went to live with a local partner to be used as a permanent greenhouse.


Tacoma Array

